
Marketing is not just a creative game anymore

You can’t just put together a flashy logo and graphics and expect people to love what you design and be forever loyal. You have to consider all the pieces, technology, marketing and design and have access to all the inner workings of the company to portray the right message in every channel and make sure each piece is coordinated and delivering the same message as the other pieces.

If you are planning a marketing campaign, you have to know exactly when the product you are announcing launches and how it works so the message you relay is accurate and timed perfectly. This systematic approach is the only way marketing will work, today and in the future as the customer is connected at all times in multiple ways.

In order to make your system work, you have to be able to work in a team, but not just your marketing team of like-minded people who understand your jargon. You need to also work with a team of developers, and other teams to coordinate effectively and deliver a perfected strategy.

Every company is unique and being able to combine marketing elements that communicate that effectively is what prevents your competition from overshadowing you. I always look for the unconventional elements when building a marketing campaign, because I am used to standing out and there is no other way to catch people’s eye.